Monday, January 13, 2025

Diamond Jenness Plaque

The plaque commemorating Diamond Jenness hangs on the wall in the staircase foyer just inside the front doors of the Canadian Museum of Nature just south of where Metcalfe Street joins McLeod Street.


Diamond Jenness was born in New Zealand and educated there and at Oxford. After field work in New Guinea he joined the 1913 Canadian Arctic Expedition, embarking on the career that made him the dean of Canadian Anthropologists. Although known for his work on the Copper Eskimos and his identification of the Dorset culture, he did field studies of many other native groups and his Indians of Canada (1931) was long considered a definitive work. Jenness retired in 1947 after a distinguished career with the National Museum and the Geographical Board, but continued writing for two decades.

Historic Sites and Monuments Board of Canada

Jenness naquit en Nouvelle–Zélande et étudia à Oxford. Après des travaux en Nouvelle–Guinée, il se joignit à l'Expédition canadienne dans l'Arctique, en 1913, commençant ainsi sa remarkable carrière d'anthropologue. Surtout connu pour ses travaux sur les Esquimaux du cuivre et pour son identification de la culture Dorset, il étudia pourtant d'autres groupes d'aborigènes, et son ouvrage Indians of Canada (1931) fut longtemps l'œuvre maîtresse dans le domaine. En 1947, Jenness résigna ses fonctions au Musée national et à la Commission des lieux géographiques, mais il continua de publier jusqu'à sa mort.

Commission des lieux et monuments historique du Canada