Thursday, June 28, 2018

Ancient Portage Route Plaque

In Gatineau on the east side of the Portage Bridge just north of the Ottawa River shore stands a plaque that tells of the Ancient Portage Route.


Les berges de la rivière des Outaouais ont beaucoup changé avec le temps, mais il reste des traces du passé. Sous les arbres, on trouve des roches qui faisaient partie d'une ancienne route de portage. Près de là, les canoteurs des siècle passés, en embarcation et se préparaient à fire du portage. Depuis Montréal jusqu'aux Grands Lacs, les personnes qui empruntaient cette rivière, y compris leas Autochtones et plus tard les explorateurs, les marchands de fourrures, les missionnaires et les colons, devaient affronter 36 portages, celui des Chaudières étant particulièrement ardu. Il y avait deux points de descente près d'ici : l'un, à proximité de la chute, était utilisé quand le niveau de l'eau était bas, et l'autre, plus en aval, servait durant les inondations printanières.


The Ottawa River shoreline has changed dramatically over time, yet traces of the past remain. Among the trees below are rocky remnants of an ancient portage route. Near this site, canoeists of centuries past — hearing the roar of the Chaudières Falls and feeling the gathering force of the current — landed and prepared to "portage" (from the French porter, "to carry"). From Montréal to the Great Lakes, travellers on the river — including Aboriginal peoples and, latr, explorers, fur traders, missionaries and settlers — faced 36 portages (the Chaudières being one of the most arduous). There were two take-out points near here: one closer to the falls, used at low water; and another, further downstream, used during spring flooding.

The Chaudières Falls - La chute des Chaudières

Monday, June 25, 2018

Leahurst House

In Kemptville the heritage structure,Leahurst House, stands within the Kemptville College Campus grounds on the west side of Heritage Drive north of Curtis Avenue.



C. 1840 - 45

This residence is one of the oldest stone houses
in Rideau Township and was constructed by an early
settler in Kemptville, Thomas McCargar.

Thursday, June 21, 2018

The Capital's Forest Heritage Plaque

In Ottawa the Capital's Forest Heritage Plaque occupies a place on the east side of Portage Bridge opposite the Mill St. Brew Pub.


Forestry has sustained Canada — one of the world's largest exporters of forest products — for almost two centuries. Canada's Capital has its own rich forestry heritage. Imagine the place where you are standing as it was a century ago, piled high with mountains of sawn lumber: this was the centre of the world's largest lumbering complex. The lumber trade began here in 1806, when demand for Canadian timber surged in Britain and the first great Ottawa Valley pines were cut, lashed together into rafts and floated downriver to market. By the mid-19th century, lumber was being processed at the Chaudières Falls. The last timber raft (shown here) made the journey in 1904.


Pendant près de deux siècles, l'industrie forestière a été le moteur économique du Canada, qui est l'un des plus grands exportateurs de produits forestiers du monde. La capitale du Canada a elle aussi un riche patrimoine forestier. Imaginez le lieu où vous êtes, il y a cent ans : le bois de construction scié forme d'immenses piles, et cet endroit est le centre du plus grand complex d'exploitation forestiè du monde. L'industrie forestière a vu le jour ici en 1806 avec la montée en flèche, en Grande-Bretagne, de la demande en bois canadien. Les premiers grands pins de la vallée de l'Outaouais ont alors été abuttus et assemblés en radeaux avant d'être achiminés en aval de la rivière pour y être vendus. Au milieu du 19e siècle, le bois était traité à la chute des Chaudières. On voit ici le tout dernier radeau de billes à effecteur le voyage, en 1904.

Monday, June 18, 2018

Kemptville Public Library

The designated heritage building that formerly housed the Kemptville Public Library, now home to Posh Plum Gifts & Home Decor, stands at 207 Prescott Street, Kemptville Ontario, on the west side, south of Asa Street.

Built in 1911-12, the Kemptville Public Library is a one storey rock-faced concrete block structure recognized by the Township of North Grenville, under the Ontario Heritage Act.

Kemptville created a Public Library Board in 1900. In 1911, the Board received a grant from the Andrew Carnegie Foundation for the erection of a new building. As per the “Carnegie Formula,” the grant was conditional upon the Town Council providing a site for the building and passing a bylaw to annually provide ten percent of the value of the grant to fund the library.

Designed by A. Stuart Allister, the Library was built by the Palmer Lumber Co. in 1911-12 of even-coursed rock-faced concrete block from the Dominion Concrete Co. Located in the centre of the downtown core, since 1912, the property is an important part of the cultural, social, and educational life of Kemptville.

The property received heritage recognition under the Ontario Heritage Act on May 28, 2001.

From Canada's Historic Places.

Thursday, June 14, 2018

Darrell W. Richards Plaque

In Ottawa, West of Bank Street and Johnston Road, in the Greenboro Transit Station, A plaque dedicated to Darrell W. Richards is mounted on the west wall at the top of the stairs down to the south bound buses.


This plaque commemorates the life and achievements of

Darrell W. Richards

In recognition of his tireless dedication to the citizens of Ottawa, and his vision, advocacy and leadership in community service and the development of sustainable public transit.

Dedicated on this 27th day of June 2004.


Cette plaque commémore la vie et les réalisations de

Darrell W. Richards

Afin de souligner son dévouement indéfecttible envers les résidents d'Ottawa ainsi que sa vision, ses activités d'intervention et ses qualités de chef dans le domaine du service communautaire et dans la mise au point d'un transport public durable.

Inaugurée ce 27e jour de juin 2004.