This plaque memorializing Gregory Alan Hebert occupies a location under an evergreen tree on the northwest edge of the grounds of the Ottawa Regional Cancer Foundation at 1500 Alta Vista Drive south of Industrial Avenue.
In memory of GREGORY ALAN HEBERT (1975-2012)
Beloved Captain — TEAM GREGGYBEAR
The inspiration for the Cancer Coaching Program.
Cherished husband of Lauren (Ehrenworth),
Father of Grady, son of Judith and Roger.
Ottawa Regional Cancer Foundation
En mémoire de GREGORY ALAN HEBERT (1975-2012)
Cher capitaine — TEAM GREGGYBEAR
L’inspiration du programme de coaching en matière de cancer.
Marie bien-aimé de Lauren (Ehrenworth),
Père de Grady, fils de Judith et Roger
Fondation du cancer de la région d’Ottawa