Monday, August 05, 2024

The Rink of Dreams; Marion Dewar Plaza Plaque

The plaque commemorating the Rink of Dreams and Marion Dewar Plaza hangs on the outside wall, east of the main entrance to Ottawa City Hall south of Laurier Avenue West and east of the Rideau Canal. The Rink of Dreams in front of City Hall, in summer, looks like a large concrete circle. It has arena rink equipment embedded in it so that it can become a rink during the winter, whether the ambient temperature is below freezing or not.

The Rink of Dreams
Marion Dewar Plaza Plaque
Opened January 25, 2012

Donated by the Sens Foundation, in partnership with the City of Ottawa, Hockey Canada and contributing Partners, for visitors and residents to enjoy for years to come.
La Patinoire des rêves
Place Marion-Dewar
Inaugurée le 25 janvier 2012

Don de la Fondation des Sénateurs, en partenariat avec la Ville d'Ottawa, la Fondation Hockey Canada et les partnaires, pour la plaisir des visiteurs et des residents dans les années à venir.