Monday, December 18, 2023

The Iceberg Sculpture

The Iceberg Sculpture stands at the southeast corner of O'Connor Street and McLeod Street at the west side of the Canadian Museum of Nature's grounds.

The Iceberg Sculpture
by William (Bill) Lishman

The Iceberg is composed of welded stainless steel parts; the tallest extending 13 metres high. Smaller pieces represent ice chunks are found at the base.

Around the Iceberg is the Arctic tundra. the sculpture's size dramatizes the natural difference in scale that define Canada's Arctic, where icebergs and towering mountains contrast with tiny plants in a treeless terrain.

Bill Lishman has been a sculptor since 1962. A Fellow with the Canadian Geographical Society, he has travelled extensively in the Arctic and Antarctic where he became inspired by the spectacular and monumental forms of icebergs.

The sculpture was fabricated by Pure Ingenuity Inc. of Kingston, Ontario.

Le sculpture Iceberg
de William (Bill) Lishman

L'Iceberg se compose de pièces d'acier inoxydable soudées. La plus grande s'élève à 13 mètres de hautier, tandis que les plus petites repréntent des morceaux de glace au pied de l'iceberg.

L'Iceberg se dresse au milieau de la toundra arctique. Sa taille imposante symbolise les différences d'échelle qui définissent l'Arctique canadien, où les icebergs et les montagnes majestueuses dominent un paysage sans arbres couvet de plantes miniscules.

Sculpteur depuis 1962, Bill Lishman est fellow de la Société géographique royale du Canada. Lors de ses nombreux voyages dans l'Arctique et l'Antarctique, il s'est laissé inspirer par les formes spectaculaires et monumentales des icebergs.

La sculpture est un fabrication de Pure Ingenuity Inc. de Kingston, en Ontario.