The commemoration I'm showing here, apparently doesn't have a name. I'm referring to the text on its inscription and calling it Two Worlds. Two Worlds stands next to the side walk on the southwest corner of Preston Street and Louisa Street West, in Ottawa.
The objective of this piece of artwork is to convey the powerful message of two worlds whose lives, culture and identity are deeply intertwined towards a solid and constructive end.
It commemorates the humble, dignified and epic journey of immigrants from Abruzzo and all over Italy. These immigrants were welcomed by a vast and generous nation that allowed them the opportunity to offer the gifts of their intelligence na creativity, contributing to the civil and economic development of Canada.
Authors Enzo Di Pasquale & Emanuela Cinalli, architects
The Town of Montelapiano, represented by its Mayor Arturo Scopino, the promoter of this initiative, gratefully donates to the city of Ottawa this piece of artwork as symbol of the integration of two cultures.
Ottawa, June 10, 2016
Monday, September 30, 2019
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Billings Estate Founding Members Sundial
The sundial commemorating founding members of the Billings Estate occupies a place in the Billings Estate at the southwest end of Cabot Street opposite where it adjoins Pleasant Park Road. It could easily be missed. It stands next to the wall of one of the outbuildings, partially hidden by the plants in the garden there.
En l'honneur de nos membres fondateurs l'Association des amis du Musée du domaine Billings le 30 mai 1990
In honour of our founding members The Association of Friends of the Billings Estate Museum May 30, 1990
En l'honneur de nos membres fondateurs l'Association des amis du Musée du domaine Billings le 30 mai 1990
In honour of our founding members The Association of Friends of the Billings Estate Museum May 30, 1990
Monday, September 23, 2019
Bench for the Visually-Impaired
The Central Experimental Farm's Ornamental Gardens has a bench for those who are visually impaired located to the east of the garden's entrance area in the southwest corner of National Capital Commission Scenic Driveway and Prince of Wales Drive.
Dedicated especially to all visually—impaired that they too may enjoy pleasures of a garden
Spécialement dédié à tous les malvoyants afin qu'eux aussi puissent apprécier les plaisirs du jardin
Dedicated especially to all visually—impaired that they too may enjoy pleasures of a garden
Spécialement dédié à tous les malvoyants afin qu'eux aussi puissent apprécier les plaisirs du jardin
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Central Experimental Farm Plaque
The original Central Experimental Farm Plaque stands mounted on a concrete plinth on the south west corner of Prince of Wales Drive and National Capital Commission Scenic Driveway just north of the Ornamental Gardens.
Canada's experimental farms system was begun in 1886 by a federal government eager to introduce profitable new methods and products; it sought thereby to broaden Canada's agricultural frontiers, especially in the still sparsley settled North - West. Acquired in 1886, this Central Experimental Farm was the first of the orignial five. As the research headquarters of a vast network of experimental stations, in continues to specialize in food and agricultural research projects. In the heart of the city, it exhibits the progress in plant, livestock and agricultural technology.
Historic Sites and Monuments Board of Canada.
Government of Canada
Le réseau des fermes expérimentales du Canada fut créé en 1886. Le gouvernement fédéral voulait ainsi développer des méthodes agricoles et des produits nouveaux et accroître le territoire de culture, surtout dans les terres peu peuplées du Nord-Ouest. Acquise en 1886, la ferme centrale fut la première des cinq fermes expérimentales d'abord établies au pays. Elle sert toujours de siège social à un vaste réseau de centres de recherche, dirigeant des recherches spécitiques sur l'alimentation et l'agriculture, et présente au cœur de la cité des expositions sur l'évolution de l'agriculture dans tous ses aspects.
Commission des lieux et monuments historiques du Canada
Gouvernement du Canada
Canada's experimental farms system was begun in 1886 by a federal government eager to introduce profitable new methods and products; it sought thereby to broaden Canada's agricultural frontiers, especially in the still sparsley settled North - West. Acquired in 1886, this Central Experimental Farm was the first of the orignial five. As the research headquarters of a vast network of experimental stations, in continues to specialize in food and agricultural research projects. In the heart of the city, it exhibits the progress in plant, livestock and agricultural technology.
Historic Sites and Monuments Board of Canada.
Government of Canada
Le réseau des fermes expérimentales du Canada fut créé en 1886. Le gouvernement fédéral voulait ainsi développer des méthodes agricoles et des produits nouveaux et accroître le territoire de culture, surtout dans les terres peu peuplées du Nord-Ouest. Acquise en 1886, la ferme centrale fut la première des cinq fermes expérimentales d'abord établies au pays. Elle sert toujours de siège social à un vaste réseau de centres de recherche, dirigeant des recherches spécitiques sur l'alimentation et l'agriculture, et présente au cœur de la cité des expositions sur l'évolution de l'agriculture dans tous ses aspects.
Commission des lieux et monuments historiques du Canada
Gouvernement du Canada
Monday, September 16, 2019
Billings Bridge Commemorative Wall
The Billings Bridge Commemorative Wall stands on the north side of Riverside Drive, east of Bank Street, near Sawmill Creek.
The commemorative wall has been built by the National Capital Commission from the stones of the chimney and fireplace of an early barn and blacksmith shop on the Billings property (1814). The chimney shown in the sketch below was removed in 1960 to make room for new road construction.
La Commission de la capitale nationale a érigé ce mur commémoratif au moyen de pierres tirées de la cheminée et de l'àtre d'une grange primitive e d'une forge sur le domaine Billings (1814). On voit ci-dessous la cheminée, qui a été démolie en 1960, lors de la construction de la nouvelle route.
Billings Bridge
The first settler established here, Braddish Billings (1783-1864) from Brockville, Ont., built a log cabin just to the west in 1812. The next year he brought Lamira Dow from Merrickville as his bride, to live in it. Gradually a small settlement grew up. About 1829 Billings constructed a fine house of wood which still stands on the high ground some three hundred yards to the south-east. At the same time a bridge was built over the Rideau providing access with the new community of Bytown (later Ottawa). The village here came to be called Brillings Bridge.
National Capital Commission 1964
Billings Bridge
Premier pionnier à s'établir dans la région, Braddish Billings (1783-1864) de Brockville, Ont., érigea une cabane de bois rond un peau à l'ouest de ce mur en 1812. L'année suivante, il épousait Lamira Dow, de Merrickville. Vers 1829, Billings se construisit une belle maison de bois qui existe encore sur une élévation à 300 verges au sud-est d'ici. Un pont sur la rivière Rideau permit de relier le petit village qui s'était formé là à la nouvelle collectivité de Bytown (devenue Ottawa). Le village prit plus tard le nom de Billings Bridge.
Commission de la capitale nationale 1964
The commemorative wall has been built by the National Capital Commission from the stones of the chimney and fireplace of an early barn and blacksmith shop on the Billings property (1814). The chimney shown in the sketch below was removed in 1960 to make room for new road construction.
La Commission de la capitale nationale a érigé ce mur commémoratif au moyen de pierres tirées de la cheminée et de l'àtre d'une grange primitive e d'une forge sur le domaine Billings (1814). On voit ci-dessous la cheminée, qui a été démolie en 1960, lors de la construction de la nouvelle route.
Billings Bridge
The first settler established here, Braddish Billings (1783-1864) from Brockville, Ont., built a log cabin just to the west in 1812. The next year he brought Lamira Dow from Merrickville as his bride, to live in it. Gradually a small settlement grew up. About 1829 Billings constructed a fine house of wood which still stands on the high ground some three hundred yards to the south-east. At the same time a bridge was built over the Rideau providing access with the new community of Bytown (later Ottawa). The village here came to be called Brillings Bridge.
National Capital Commission 1964
Billings Bridge
Premier pionnier à s'établir dans la région, Braddish Billings (1783-1864) de Brockville, Ont., érigea une cabane de bois rond un peau à l'ouest de ce mur en 1812. L'année suivante, il épousait Lamira Dow, de Merrickville. Vers 1829, Billings se construisit une belle maison de bois qui existe encore sur une élévation à 300 verges au sud-est d'ici. Un pont sur la rivière Rideau permit de relier le petit village qui s'était formé là à la nouvelle collectivité de Bytown (devenue Ottawa). Le village prit plus tard le nom de Billings Bridge.
Commission de la capitale nationale 1964
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Trans Canada Trail Plaque at 24 Sussex Drive
Trans Canada Trail
The path at 24 Sussex Drive and on the grounds of Rideau Hall has been designated an honorary section of the Trans Canada Trail, one of the world's longest and grandest recreational trails.
This plaque was unveiled by Their Excellencies The Right Honourable David Johnston, Governor General of Canada, and Mrs. Sharon Johnston, TCT Honorary Patrons, and Mrs. Laureen Harper, TCT Honorary Campaign Chair.
Sentier Transcanadien
Ce sentier, situé sur le domain de Rideau Hall et au 24, promenade Sussex, a été désigné tronçon honoraire du sentie Transcanadien, un des sentiers récréatifs les plus longs et les plus grandioses au monde.
Cette plaque a été dévoilée par Leurs Excellences le très honorable David Johnston, gouverneur général du Canada, et madame Sharon Johnston, présidents d'honneur du Sentier, et madame Laureen Harper, présidente honoraire de la campagne du Sentier.
Monday, September 09, 2019
Corso Italia Heritage Mural
The Corso Italia Heritage Mural occupies both walls where Preston
Street passes under the Queensway, Highway 417, the Trans Canada
Since the late 1800's, Preston Street has been a path journeyed by many. From Dow's Lake, where our portal archway now stands, to Plant Bath and onto Lebreton Flats, the neighbourhood, formerly known as Stovetop Village, has become a landmark known as little Italy.
To some it was merely a stepping stone, while others remained to see home sna businesses flourish.
All who crossed this path have helped shape our distinct neighbourhood in the midst of this changing and growing community.
This Heritage Mural Project is dedicated to the residents, past and present, of Little Italy.
Sin dalta fine dell' 1800 Preston Street è stata la via che moltri hanno percorso.
Da Dow's Lake, dove ora si trova il nostro Arco, sino alla Piscina Plant Bath e più avanti sino a Lebreton Flats, il vicinato era anche conosciuto come Stovetop Villag. Ora è diventato una pietra miliare riconoschiuta come: La Piccola Italia.
Qualcuni hanno passato, altri si sono stabiliti ed hanno construito case e creato prosperi commerci. Chiunque sia passato per questa via ha contributo a formare questo vicinato che si distingue in una comunità che, crescendo, è in continua evoluzione.
Questo, il progetto del murali al nostro patrimonio, è dedicato ai residenti, passati e presenti, della Piccola Italia.
Depuis la fin du XIXème siècle, la rue Preston a servi de passage à nombre de personnes. Du lac Dow, où sa trouve maintenant érigée l'arcade du portique d'entrée, à "Plan Bath" et plus loin encore jusqu'aux "Lebreton Flats", le quartier autrefois connu sous le nom de "Stovetop Village" est devenu un point de repère, désormais nommé la Petite Italie.
Alors que certains l'empruntaienet comme simple voie de passage, d'autres s'y installaient pour voir s'y développer maisons et enterprises.
Tous ceux qui ont pris ce chemin ont aidé à façonner notre quartier unique au cœur de cette communauté changeante et grandissante.
Ce projet mural du Patrimoine est dédié aux anciens comme aux nouveaux résidents de la Petite Italie.
From the 1920's to the '70's, Pier 21 was Canada's front door to over a million immegrant wartime evacuees, refugees, troops, war brides and their children. This enriched our social and cultural landscape and uplifted the very sould of our nation forever.
Between 1945 and '65, and estimated 250,000 Italians immigrated to Canada, many of them arriving at Pier 21 in Halifax.
This mural is dedicated to thos immigrants and their contribution to the Canadian cultural mosaic.
The background mural depicts a white ship and the newly arrived immigrants are shown as silhouettes on the dock. An old street sign can be seen in the foreground on the right, incorporating the Preston Street Business Improvement Aria logo. The Italian flag is shown at the stern and the Canadian flag at the bow, signifying the departure from Italy and the arrival in Canada.
The panels have been commissioned by the families, businesses and groups they portray. The have been designed to represent the windows of the ship offering a glimpse into important contributors and events in the evolution of Italian heritage in Ottawa.
Des années 1920 aux années 1970, le quai 21 de Halifax était la porte d'entrée du Canada pour plus d'un millions d'immigrants évacués en raison de la guerre, de réfugiés, de soldats et d'épouses de guerre accompagnées de leurs enfants. Le tissu social et culturel du pays en a été enrichi et l'âme de notre nation en a été grandie pour toujours.
Entre 1945 et 1965, environ 250,000 Italiens ont immigré au Canada et la majorité entrait au pays par le quai 21.
La peinture murale devant vous est dédiée à ces immigrants et à leur apport enrichissant pour la mosaïque culturelle canadienne.
L'arrière-plan comprend un navire blanc; des silhouettes sur le pont du navire représentent les immigrants nouvellement arrivés. Le drapeau italien flotte en poupe, significant le départ de l'Italie, et celui du Canada se trouve proue pour représenter l'arrivée au pays. En avant-plan, on voit à la droite une plaque de rue antique comprenant le logo de Preson Street Business Improvement Area.
Les panneaux ont été commandés par les familles, les enterprises et les groupes qu'ils reproduisent. Ils ont été conçus de façon à représenter des hublots nous permettant d'avoir un aperçu des personalités et des événements qui ont contribué à l'évolution du patrimoine italien à Ottawa
Dal 1920 al 1970, Pier 21 e' stato la porta d' entrata in Canada per milioni d' immigranti, profughi de guerra, rifugiati politici, soldati, spose di guerra ed i loro figli. Tutte queste persone hanno arrichito socialmente e colturalmente la societa' Canadese portandola ai piu' alti valori dell'era moderna.
Tra il 1945 ed il 1965 circa 250,000 Italiani hanno immigrato in Canada la maggior parte arrivati al Pier 21 in Halifax.
Il murale e' dedicato a questi immigranti ed al loro contributo al mosaico socio-culturale del Canada.
Nello sfondo del murale possiamo notare la forma di una nave bianca e, sul molo, le siluette degli immigranti appena arrivati. In primo piano a destra, veiamo un' insgna stradale con incorporato il logo della locale "Preston Business Improvement Association". La bandiera Italiana e' ben visibile en poppa, la bandiera Canadese e' a prua significando cosi' la partenza dall'Italia e l'arrivo in Canada.
I pannelli sono stati commissionati dalle famiglie, dai commercianti e dai gruppi che sono rapresntati. Sono stati disegnati come possero le finestre della nave che chi permettono d'intravedere l' importanza degli eventi e dei contributore all' evoluzione del patrimonio italiano in Ottawa.
Since the late 1800's, Preston Street has been a path journeyed by many. From Dow's Lake, where our portal archway now stands, to Plant Bath and onto Lebreton Flats, the neighbourhood, formerly known as Stovetop Village, has become a landmark known as little Italy.
To some it was merely a stepping stone, while others remained to see home sna businesses flourish.
All who crossed this path have helped shape our distinct neighbourhood in the midst of this changing and growing community.
This Heritage Mural Project is dedicated to the residents, past and present, of Little Italy.
Sin dalta fine dell' 1800 Preston Street è stata la via che moltri hanno percorso.
Da Dow's Lake, dove ora si trova il nostro Arco, sino alla Piscina Plant Bath e più avanti sino a Lebreton Flats, il vicinato era anche conosciuto come Stovetop Villag. Ora è diventato una pietra miliare riconoschiuta come: La Piccola Italia.
Qualcuni hanno passato, altri si sono stabiliti ed hanno construito case e creato prosperi commerci. Chiunque sia passato per questa via ha contributo a formare questo vicinato che si distingue in una comunità che, crescendo, è in continua evoluzione.
Questo, il progetto del murali al nostro patrimonio, è dedicato ai residenti, passati e presenti, della Piccola Italia.
Depuis la fin du XIXème siècle, la rue Preston a servi de passage à nombre de personnes. Du lac Dow, où sa trouve maintenant érigée l'arcade du portique d'entrée, à "Plan Bath" et plus loin encore jusqu'aux "Lebreton Flats", le quartier autrefois connu sous le nom de "Stovetop Village" est devenu un point de repère, désormais nommé la Petite Italie.
Alors que certains l'empruntaienet comme simple voie de passage, d'autres s'y installaient pour voir s'y développer maisons et enterprises.
Tous ceux qui ont pris ce chemin ont aidé à façonner notre quartier unique au cœur de cette communauté changeante et grandissante.
Ce projet mural du Patrimoine est dédié aux anciens comme aux nouveaux résidents de la Petite Italie.
JUNE 2007
![]() |
Karole Marois |
From the 1920's to the '70's, Pier 21 was Canada's front door to over a million immegrant wartime evacuees, refugees, troops, war brides and their children. This enriched our social and cultural landscape and uplifted the very sould of our nation forever.
Between 1945 and '65, and estimated 250,000 Italians immigrated to Canada, many of them arriving at Pier 21 in Halifax.
This mural is dedicated to thos immigrants and their contribution to the Canadian cultural mosaic.
The background mural depicts a white ship and the newly arrived immigrants are shown as silhouettes on the dock. An old street sign can be seen in the foreground on the right, incorporating the Preston Street Business Improvement Aria logo. The Italian flag is shown at the stern and the Canadian flag at the bow, signifying the departure from Italy and the arrival in Canada.
The panels have been commissioned by the families, businesses and groups they portray. The have been designed to represent the windows of the ship offering a glimpse into important contributors and events in the evolution of Italian heritage in Ottawa.
Artist: Karole Marois June 2004
Des années 1920 aux années 1970, le quai 21 de Halifax était la porte d'entrée du Canada pour plus d'un millions d'immigrants évacués en raison de la guerre, de réfugiés, de soldats et d'épouses de guerre accompagnées de leurs enfants. Le tissu social et culturel du pays en a été enrichi et l'âme de notre nation en a été grandie pour toujours.
Entre 1945 et 1965, environ 250,000 Italiens ont immigré au Canada et la majorité entrait au pays par le quai 21.
La peinture murale devant vous est dédiée à ces immigrants et à leur apport enrichissant pour la mosaïque culturelle canadienne.
L'arrière-plan comprend un navire blanc; des silhouettes sur le pont du navire représentent les immigrants nouvellement arrivés. Le drapeau italien flotte en poupe, significant le départ de l'Italie, et celui du Canada se trouve proue pour représenter l'arrivée au pays. En avant-plan, on voit à la droite une plaque de rue antique comprenant le logo de Preson Street Business Improvement Area.
Les panneaux ont été commandés par les familles, les enterprises et les groupes qu'ils reproduisent. Ils ont été conçus de façon à représenter des hublots nous permettant d'avoir un aperçu des personalités et des événements qui ont contribué à l'évolution du patrimoine italien à Ottawa
Artiste: Karole Marois Juin 2004
Dal 1920 al 1970, Pier 21 e' stato la porta d' entrata in Canada per milioni d' immigranti, profughi de guerra, rifugiati politici, soldati, spose di guerra ed i loro figli. Tutte queste persone hanno arrichito socialmente e colturalmente la societa' Canadese portandola ai piu' alti valori dell'era moderna.
Tra il 1945 ed il 1965 circa 250,000 Italiani hanno immigrato in Canada la maggior parte arrivati al Pier 21 in Halifax.
Il murale e' dedicato a questi immigranti ed al loro contributo al mosaico socio-culturale del Canada.
Nello sfondo del murale possiamo notare la forma di una nave bianca e, sul molo, le siluette degli immigranti appena arrivati. In primo piano a destra, veiamo un' insgna stradale con incorporato il logo della locale "Preston Business Improvement Association". La bandiera Italiana e' ben visibile en poppa, la bandiera Canadese e' a prua significando cosi' la partenza dall'Italia e l'arrivo in Canada.
I pannelli sono stati commissionati dalle famiglie, dai commercianti e dai gruppi che sono rapresntati. Sono stati disegnati come possero le finestre della nave che chi permettono d'intravedere l' importanza degli eventi e dei contributore all' evoluzione del patrimonio italiano in Ottawa.
Artista: Karole Marois Guigno 2004
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