Monday, October 14, 2024

Constable George Randolph Pearkes Plaque

Within Beechwood Cemetery in Ottawa, the plaque commemorating Constable George Randolph Pearkes stands in the RCMP Cemetery south of the west end of the path south east of the buffalo head gates.

Cst. George Randolph Pearkes
Reg. No. 5529 Royal North West Mounted Police

October 31, 1917 as a member of the Canadian Expeditionary Force was awarded the Victoria Cross for Valour at Passchendaele, Belgium – First World War

Gend. George Randolph Pearkes
No. de mat. 5529 Royal Gendarmerie à cheval du Nord-Ouest

Le 31 octobre 1917 en tant que member du Corps expéditionnaire canadien a reçu la Croix de Victoria pour bravoutre à Passchendaele, en Belgique – Première Guerre mondiale.

Monday, October 07, 2024

Fraser Schoolhouse, First New Edinburgh School

The Fraser Schoolhouse, First New Edinburgh School, occupies a location on the north side of John Street between Thomas Street and Sussex Drive.

New Edinburgh's First School

This stone building was erected c. 1837. James Fraser taught reading and elocution, French, writing, arithmetic, English grammar and geography in this school from June 25, 1838 until about 1843 to the children of the little industrial community of New Edinburgh. The building reverted to a working man's double residence in 1844. It was acquired by the National Capital Commission in 1959 and subsequently renovated.

National Capital Commission

Première école de New Edinburgh

Dans ce bâtiment de pierre construit ver 1837, James Fraser enseigna, du 25 juin 1838 jusque vers 1843, la lecture, la diction, le français, l'écriture, l'arithmétique, la grammaire anglaise et la géographie aux enfants de la petite collectivité industrielle de New Edinburgh. En 1844, le bâtiment servit à nouveau de logement pour les travailleurs. Acheté par la Commission de la Captitale nationale en 1959, il a été renové depuis.

Commission de la Capitale nationale
Fraser Schoolhouse

The Fraser Schoolhouse was built circa 1837 by Thomas McKay, the founder of New Edinburgh. Between 1838 and 1843 is served as New Edinburgh's first school. James Fraser lived in one side of the house and taught the children of New Edinburgh in the other. A very simple structure, this stone house is a rare example of the type of small houses built in New Edinburgh in the mid 19th century.

Designated Heritage Property 1982
École Fraser

L'école Fraser a été construire vers 1837 par Thomas McKay, fondateur du quartier de New Edinburgh. De 1838 à 1843. l'édifice abrita la première école du quartier. James Fraser habitait un côté de la maison et enseignait aux enfants de New Edinburgh dans l'autre. D'une structure trè simple, cette maison de pierre constitue un des rares exemples des petites maisons construites dans le secteur de New Edinburgh aul milieu du 19e siècle.

Bien designé historique en 1982

Monday, September 30, 2024

Queen Elizabeth II Statue

The statue of Queen Elizabeth II stands at the centre of the roundabout at the front of Rideau Hall where Sussex Drive, Rideau Gate and Princess Avenue conjoin. The statue originally stood on Parliament Hill and has recently been moved to its new location. I photographed it for this blog site in 2013. The photograph of the plaque that was with the statue at that time is included here with its transcription.


Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II signed the Constitution Act on Parliament Hill in 1982, thereby patriating Canada's constitution from the United Kingdom, and establishing the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Here, Queen Elizabeth II is depicted on her horse Centenial, a gift from the RCMP in 1977. This monument was unveiled by the Queen in 1992, as part of Canada's 125th anniversary celebrations.

Sa Majesté la reine Elizabeth II a signé la Loi constitutionnelle sur la colline du Parlement en 1982, rapatriant ainsi la constution du Canada au Royaume-Une et établissant la Charte des droits et libertés. La reine Elizabeth II ext ici représentée sur son cheval Centenial, cadeau que lui a offert la GRC en 1977. Ce monument a été dévoilé par la reine en 1992 lors des célébrations entourant le 125e anniversaire du Canada.

Monday, September 23, 2024

Stanley and McMurtry Memorial Vault

In Greely, Ontario, the Stanley and McMurtry memorial vault occupies a place on the east side of the All Saints Anglican Church Cemetery on the northeast corner of Pig Alley and Parkway Road.


Monday, September 16, 2024

First National Tree Day Plaque

The plaque commemorating Canada's first National Tree Day occupies a place in the park west of Elgin Street and between McLeod Street and Argyle Avenue.

In recognition of Canada's first National Tree Day
September 21, 2011

Sugar Maple   Acer saccharum   Érable à sucre

Pour souligner la première
Journée nationale de l'arbre
21 septembre 2011

Canadian Museum of Nature    Canada    TreeCanada ArbresCanada