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Monday, July 01, 2019

Lady Aberdeen Plaque Revisited

A plaque commemoration Lady Aberdeen stands mounted on a large rock to the north of the path from the main gate of the Rideau Hall grounds and to the west of Rideau Hall.

Lady Aberdeen

LADY ABERDEEN (1857 - 1939)

Raised in Scotland, in 1877 Ishbel Maria Marjoribanks married Lord Aberdeen, who was Governor General of Canada from 1893 to 1898. A formidable and energetic person, she devoted her life to promoting social causes and served for years as president of the International Council of Women. In Canada she founded the National Council of Women, helped establish the Victorian Order of Nurses and headed the Aberdeen Association, which distributed literature to settlers. Lady Aberdeen later organized the Red Cross Society of Scotland and the Women's National Association of Ireland. She died at Aberdeen, Scotland.

Historic Sites and Monuments Board of Canada.
Government of Canada

LADY ABERDEEN (1857 - 1939)

Ishbel Maria Marjoribanks epouse, en 1877, Lord Aberdeen, Gouverneur général du Canada de 1893 à 1898. Femme énerguique et remarquable, Lady Aberdeen consacre sa vie aux œuvres sociales et demeure longtemps présidente du Conseil international des femmes. Au Canada, elle fonde le Conseil national des femmes du Canada, contribue à établir les Infirmières de l'Ordre de Victoria et dirige l'Aberdeen Association qui distribuait de livres aux colons. Plust tard, elle organise la Red Cross Society of Scotland et la Women's National Association of Ireland. Elle meurt à Aberdeen, en Ecosse.

Commission des lieux et monuments historiques du Canada.
Gouvernement du Canada

John Hamilton-Gordon, Lord Aberdeen (1837-1934)
7th Governor General of Canada