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Monday, September 30, 2024

Queen Elizabeth II Statue

The statue of Queen Elizabeth II stands at the centre of the roundabout at the front of Rideau Hall where Sussex Drive, Rideau Gate and Princess Avenue conjoin. The statue originally stood on Parliament Hill and has recently been moved to its new location. I photographed it for this blog site in 2013. The photograph of the plaque that was with the statue at that time is included here with its transcription.


Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II signed the Constitution Act on Parliament Hill in 1982, thereby patriating Canada's constitution from the United Kingdom, and establishing the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Here, Queen Elizabeth II is depicted on her horse Centenial, a gift from the RCMP in 1977. This monument was unveiled by the Queen in 1992, as part of Canada's 125th anniversary celebrations.

Sa Majesté la reine Elizabeth II a signé la Loi constitutionnelle sur la colline du Parlement en 1982, rapatriant ainsi la constution du Canada au Royaume-Une et établissant la Charte des droits et libertés. La reine Elizabeth II ext ici représentée sur son cheval Centenial, cadeau que lui a offert la GRC en 1977. Ce monument a été dévoilé par la reine en 1992 lors des célébrations entourant le 125e anniversaire du Canada.