Supplemental Posts

Monday, November 02, 2020

LAV III Afghanistan Memorial, Smiths Falls

In Smiths Falls, Ontario, a Light Armoured Vehicle — LAV III, originally named Kodiak — memorializing Canada's participation in Afghanistan, stands on the west side of Elmsley Street North between Cornelia Street West and Lansdowne Street East, next to the monument attached to the Smiths Falls Memorial Community Centre.

In recognition and memory of the efforts of approximately 40,000 Canadian Armed Forces personnel who served and the 162 Canadians who died in the cause of bringing peace and freedom to the people of Afghanistan.

2001 — 2014

En mémoire et en reconnaissance des efforts des quelque 40 000 membres des Forces armées canadiennes qui ont servi en Afghanistan et des 162 Canadiens qui sont morts pour la cause de la paix et de la liberté du peuple afghan.

2001 — 2014