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Monday, March 29, 2021

Kenny Dagenais Bench

A bench commemorating the memory of Kenny Dagenais occupies a place next to the Sawmill Creek Path east of the Airport Parkway and north of the Airport Parkway Footbridge.

On October 22, 2007 a car struck Kenny Dagenais and he died almost exactly where the footbridge across the Parkway now stands. Kenny crossed the Parkway after leaving his sister-in-laws place, where he had been babysitting her daughters. The bench near the pedestrian bridge shown here memorializes him.

In Loving Memory of / À la douce mémoire de

Kenny Dagenais

Son, Brother, Uncle, Friend / Un fils, un frère, un oncle, un ami
July 2, 1921-October 22, 2007 / 2 juillet 1981 - 22 octobre 2007