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Thursday, September 05, 2019

Canada 150 Gardens

The Ottawa Horticultural Society and The Friends of the Central Experimental Farm, in celebration of Canada's 150th anniversary, renovated two garden beds at the entrance to the Experimental Farm's Ornamental Gardens, on the southwest corner of National Capital Commission Scenic Driveway and Prince of Wales Drive.

For Canada's 150th Anniversary, these two garden beds were renovated by teh Ottawa Horticultural Society (OHS) and The Friends of the Central Experimental Farm (FCEF). The design principles originally used by R. Warren Oliver in 1936 provided inspiration for the plant selections to reflect William T. Macoun's favourite plants. Macoun was Dominion Horticulturalist from 1910 to 1933 and OHS President in 1899.

Pour le 150e anniversaire du Canada, l'Ottawa Horticultural Society (OHS) et les Amis de la Ferme expérimentale centrale (AFEC) ont rénové ces deux plates-bandes. Les principes de conception utilisés à l'origine par R. Warren Oliver ent 1936 ont inspiré les choix de plantes pour refléter les plantes préférées de William T. Macoun, qui fut horticulteur du Dominion de 1910 à 1933 et président de l'OHS en 1899.