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Monday, June 03, 2019

Rideau Hall

Rideau Hall refers to the grounds of Rideau Hall and the hall itself, the residence of Canada's Governor General. Rideau Hall occupies a location just northeast of the centre of the Rideau Hall grounds surrounded by Sussex Drive, Princess Avenue, Lisgar Road, Dufferin Road, MacKay Street and Rideau Gate.

I went to Rideau Hall wanting to do a photographic walk around of the building. Visitors are welcome in the area in front of the hall, but may not go any further behind there. However, I was allowed into the front part of Rideau Hall where the ceremonial chambers are. Photographs without a flash are allowed. I tried to do as complete a photographic survey of the interior as possible. As I have said in other posts on this blog, the photographs I take are a very poor substitute for actually visiting in person.


Built in 1868 for Thomas McKay, Rideau Hall was originally an elegant stone villa set in a picturesque landscaped park. In 1865 it was leased as a temporary residence for hte Governor General until a suitable house could be erected elsewhere. The planned new residence was never constructed. Instead the old building was expanded and eventually almost engulfed by a series of additions between 1865 and 1914. Today Rideau Hall is the official Government House. As the residence of the Crown's representative in Canada it has been a focus of political and social life in the capital.

Historic Sites and Monuments Board of Canada.
Government of Canada


Érigé en 1838 pour Thomas McKay, Rideau Hall était une élégante villa de pierre, sise dans un parc pittoresque. En 1865, le gouvernement loua la villa pour y loger le Governeur général jusqu'à la construction d'une résidence permanente. Comme le project ne vit jamais le jour, on agrandit l'ancienne maison, y ajoutant des anneses entre 1864 et 1914. Rideau Hall est maintenant la résidence officielle du Gouverneur général. En tant que domicile du représentant de la Couronne au Canada, Rideau Hall est un foyer de vie politique et sociale dans la capitale.

Commission des lieux et monuments historiques du Canada.
Gouvernement du Canada