Supplemental Posts

Thursday, February 07, 2019

Max Florence Sundial

In Rockcliffe Park, south of Rockliffe Driveway and west of Sir Charles-Étienne Parkway stands a sundial that I call the Max Florence Sundial for lack of a better name. The text, below, from the sundial's plaque should explain.


In 1975, Torontonial Max Florence, to demonstrate his love for Canada, sent his life savings to Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau. To mark the donation, the federal government commissioned this unusual sundial.

National Capital Commission

Sundial/Cadran solaire
Art Price

En 1975, le Torontois Max Florence, par amour pour son pays, fit don de ses économie au premier ministre de l'époque, Pierre Elliott Trudeau. Pour souligner ce don, le gouvernement fédéral commanda de cadran solaire peu commun.

Commission de capitale nationale