Supplemental Posts

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Canada 150 Maple Groves Tree

The Canada 150 Maple Groves tree occupies a place near the path outside the Former Ottawa Teachers' College on the north side of Lisgar Street west of Cartier Street.

Canada 150 Maple Groves
Boisés 150 du Canada


Ottawa June 2017

In honour of our partnership and for the important role our community has played in Canada's history, CN donated this commemorative tree in celebration of Canada's 150th anniversary.

Special thanks to the Government of Canada and Tree Canada for their participation and support.

Ottawa juin 2017

Pour souligner notre partenariat et le rôle important joué par notre communauté, le CN a fait don de cet arbre commémoratif pour célébrer le 150e anniversaire du Canada.

Nous remercions spécialement le gouvernement du Canada et Arbres Canada de leur participation et appui.