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Thursday, June 07, 2018

Thomas Coltrin Keefer Plaque

In Ottawa, the Thomas Coltrin Keefer Plaque occupies the outer wall, to the left of the front door to the Fleet Street Pumping Station at the east end of Fleet Street and south of Pooley's Bridge.


Born in Thorold, Upper Canada, Keefer began his career as an engineer working on the Erie and Welland Canals. He first gained prominence in 1850 through The Philosophy of Railways, an eloquent and persuasive essay promoting railway development. This gave him wide influence during the railway building era, although he built no lines himself. His public works, particularly the Hamilton, Montreal and Ottawa waterworks, established his reputation as a hydraulics engineer throughout the continent and abroad. He was a founding member and first president of the Canadian Society of Civil Engineers. He died in Ottawa

Historic Sites and Monuments Board of Canada.
Government of Canada - 1977


Keefer naquit à Thorold (Haut-Canada) et débuta sa carrière d'ingéniur dans la construction des canaux Erié et Welland. En 1850, il publia The Philosophy of Railways. Par cet important traité il eut une grande influence sur le développement de chemins de fer même s'il n'a pas construit de lignes ferroviaires lui-même. Les principaux ouvrages qu'il réalisa sont les services d'eaux d'Hamilton, de Montréal et d'Ottawa qui lui valurent une réputation internationale. Il fut l'un des membres fondateurs de la Société des ingénieurs civils, dont il devint le premier président. Il mourut à Ottawa.

Commission des lieux et monuments historique du Canada.
1977 - Gouvernement du Canada