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Monday, October 02, 2017

McIntosh Apple Plaque

The McIntosh Apple Plaque stands about fifty feet south or County Road, west of McIntosh Road, in McIntosh Park, in Dundela, Ontario.

In 1811, John McIntosh discovered an apple sapling on his land in Matilda township. By bringing about its propagation and wide dissemination, he and his family had a significant impact on Canada's fruit growing industry. The McIntosh apple not only possessed a highly desirable taste, texture, aroma and appearance, but was also ideally suited for growing in this country's colder climate. A number of well-known hybrids, such as the Cortland, Empire, Lobo and Spartan, were derived from this fruit. The McIntosh has become one of the most popular varieties grown in Canada and abroad.

Historic Sites and Monuments Board of Canada
Government of Canada

En 1811, John McIntosh trouva par hasard un jeune pommier sur son terrain du canton de Matilda. Lui et sa famille assurèrent la propagation et la dissémination de cette nouvelle pomme, contribuant ainsi grandement à l'industrie canadienne de la fruitculture. Notre climat se prêtait merveilleusement à la culture de la McIntosh, lui conféreant un goût, un consistance, une apparence et un arôme particuliers. De nombreux hybrides tels les Cortland, Empire, Lobo et Spartan dérivent du même fruit. La McIntosh est devenue l'une des variétés les plus répandues tant au Canada qu'a l'étranger.

Commission des lieux et monuments historiques du Canada
Gouvernement du Canada