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Monday, June 19, 2017

Johnstown 1789 Plaque

In Johnstown, Ontario, at the west edge of Caroline's Garden in Millennium Park on the northeast corner of County Road 16 and County Road 2 stands a plaque with the title, Johnstown 1789.


In 1789-90 a town plot of one mile square was laid out in this vicinity. Many Loyalists, including Sir John Johnson, obtained lots in the settlement. A sawmill and grist mill were constructed, and in 1793 it was made the administrative centre of the Easter District. A courthouse and gaol were erected and the court of quarter sessions, which administered the district's local government, met alternately here and in Cornwall. Lieutenant-Governor Simcoe stayed in Johnstown in 1792 and 1795. In 1808 the courts were moved to Elizabethtown (Brockville) and despite its favourable location as a port, Johnstown's further development was retarded by its shallow harbour.

Erected by the Archaeological and Historic Sites Board, Department of Public Records and Archives of Ontario

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