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Saturday, October 15, 2016

Roy Brown Plaque

In Carleton Place, Ontario, in the memorial park south of Franklin Street between Beckwith Street and Judson Lane to the west of the Carleton Place Cenotaph stands a plaque commemorating Captain A. Roy Brown, D.S.C.

1893 - 1944

Arthur Roy Brown, né à Carleton Place, est vainqueur
en combat aérien du baron Manfred von Richthofen, le
célébre pilote de chasse de la Première Guerre mondiale
qui est un héros national en Allemagne. Pilote civil en
1915, Brown est nommé officier du Service de l'air de
la Marine royale. En 1917-1918, période de violents
combats aériens, il abat au moins 12 avions ennemis, ce
qui lui vaut la Croix et la Barrette de service distingué.
Les Australiens du service de défense antiaérienne lui
disputent l'honneur d'avoir abattu Richtofen, mais Brown
reçoit sa médaille officielle. Après de graves blessures,
il revient à la vie civile et organise une compagnie
de transports aériens qui dessert le Nord de l'Ontario
et du Québec.

Fondation du patrimoine ontarien, un organisme du gouvernement de l'Ontario

1893 - 1944

Victor in aerial combat over Baron Manfred von Richtofen,
the first World War's leading fighter pilot and German
national hero, Arthur Roy Brown was born at Carleton
Place. In 1915 he qualified as a civilian pilot and was
commissioned in the Royal Naval Air Service. In the thick
of vicious air fighting in 1917-18, Brown is credited
with at least 12 enemy planes, earning the Distinguished
Service Cross and Bar. Though the Canadian's downing
of Richtofen was contested by Australian ground gunners
the official award was given to Captain Brown. Overcoming
severe war injuries, he returned to civilian life
and later organized an air transport company which
served Northern Ontario and Quebec.

Ontario Heritage Foundation, an agency of the Government of Ontario