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Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Bishop Alexander MacDonnell Plaque

The plaque for Bishop Alexander MacDonnell occupies the stone structure in front of the St. Raphael's Ruins facing Country Road 18 to the north and just west of Frog Hollow Road in St. Raphael's, Ontario.


Born in Scotland and educated for the priesthood, MacDonnell
obtained land in Glengarry County and, in 1804, brought many
soldiers from his disbanded Highland Regiment to join the
Loyalists already in Upper Canada. Having helped raise a second
regiment which he accompanied into action during the War of
1812, he launched an unsuccessful campaign for provincially
supported Catholic Schools. Consecrated in 1826, he became the
first Roman Catholic Bishop in Upper Canada. After serving as
a Legislative Councillor (1831-9), he returned to Scotland to
promote emigration to Canada. He died at Dumfries.

Né en Écosse et ordonné prêtre, MacDonnell obtint des terres
dans le comté de Glengarry et, en 1804, amena de nombreux
soldats de son Highland Regiment dans le Haut-Canada. Ayant
aidé à recruter un nouveau régiment qu'il suivit sur le champ de
batille en 1812, il organisa sans succès une campagne pour faire
subventionner par la province les écoles catholiques. Sacré évêque
en 1826, if fut le premier prélat catholique du Haut-Canada. Il fut
membre du Conseil législatif (1831-39), mais retourna en Écosse
pour promouvoir l'émigration au Canada. Il Mourut à Dufries.

Historic Sites and Monuments Board of Canada
Commission des lieux et monuments historique du Canada

Government of Canada-1929-Gouvernement du Canada