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Friday, June 03, 2016

Malcolm Cameron Plaque

The plaque for Malcolm Cameron stands near the Mammoth Cheese on the west side of Drummond Street East near Colbourne Street in Perth, Ontario.

Entrepreneur et homme politique important du Haut-Canada.
Malcolm Cameron naît à Trois-Rivières. Il se lance dans le
commerce à Perth et, en 1834, paricipe à la fondation du
"Bathurst Courier". En 1837, il déménage à Port Sarnia où
il crée diverses enterprises dans l'abattage, l'expédition et
le sciage du bois. Homme d'affaires prospère, Malcolm Cameron
se distingue en politique. Il est élu député de Lanark
en 1836, et de plusieurs circonscriptions de l'Ouest par la
suite. À part quelques interruptions, il reste en politique
jusqu'à sa mort. Recherchant la réforme, parfois de façon
aléatoire, il exerce en tant que ministre dans les gouvernements
modérés des années 1840 et 1850. On se souvient
surtout de lui comme de l'un des chefs de file du mouvement
radical Clear Grit
Erigée par la Fondation du patrimoine ontarien, Ministère des Affaires civiques et culturelles

A prominent Upper Canadian entrepreneur and politician,
Cameron was born in Trois-Rivières. He began his business
career in Perth, establishing himself as a general merchant
and in 1834 co-founding the Bathurst Courier. In 1837 he
moved to Port Sarnia where he developed lumbering, shipping
and milling enterprises. Although a successful businessman,
Cameron gained renown in politics. He was elected to the
legislature as the member for Lanark in 1836 and, representing
this, then several western ridings, remained politically active
with only occasional interruptions until his death. Pursuing
a generally reform-minded, if sometimes erratic course, he
served as minister in the moderate administrations of the
1840s and early 1850s. Cameron is best remembered, however,
as an early leader in the radical Clear Grit movement.
Erected by the Ontario Heritage Foundation, Ministry of Citizenship and Culture