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Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Founding of Merrickville Plaque

A plaque commemorating the founding of Merrickville stands on the north side of Main Street East, west of St. Lawrence Street and just west of the Farm Shop and Tea Room.

In 1793 William Merrick (1760-1844), a Loyalist from
Massachusetts, acquired from Roger Stevens a sawmill at
the "Great Falls" on the Rideau River. Here he built new
mills which formed the nucleus of a small community that
grew up before 1816 and was known as "Merrick's Mills".
The establishment of new settlements on the Rideau and
the building of the canal, 1826-32, stimulated the growth
of the village. Streets were laid out and a post office
named "Merrickville" was opened in 1829. By 1850 the
community contained about 700 persons, two flour mills,
a cloth factory and other industries, and was incorporated
as a village in 1860.

Archaeological and Historic Sites Board of Ontario.