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Monday, June 08, 2015

Robert Bell Plaque

A large rock holds the Plaque for Robert Bell outside the entrance to the Geological Survey of Canada Building on the south east corner of Booth Street and Daniel McCann Street.

1841 - 1917

Born near Toronto, Bell began a long career with the
Geological Survey of Canada as a summer student when
he was only 15. In 1867, after university studies and a
period of teaching at Queen's, he joined the Survey on a
full-time basis and remained until 1908. During this time
he became one of Canada's leading explorers, conducting
extensive surveys in northern Canada, particularly in the
Canadian Shield, from whihc he produced original maps
and reports on a wide variety of subjects. He was a found-
ing member of the Royal Society of Canada and from 1901
to 1906 served as acting director of the Geological Survey.

Né près de Toronto, Bell étudia et enseigna à l'Université
Queen's puis il entra à la Commission géologique du Canada
pour laquelle il avait déjà travaillé comme étudiant d'été.
Il servit la Commission jusqu'en 1908, et devint l'un des
grands explorateurs du pays. Durant cette période, il fit le
levé d'immenses territoires du Nord canadien et en dressa
des cartes. Il laissa aussi des rapports sur toute un gamme
de sujest, fut l'un des fondateurs de la Société royale du
Canada et, de 1901 à 1906, directeur intérimaire de la
Commission géologique.

Historic Sites and Monuments Board of Canada
Commission des lieux et monuments historiques du Canada

Government of Canada - Gouvernement du Canada