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Sunday, July 13, 2014

Hungary - Canada Monument

The Hungary - Canada Monument stands at the south end of Maple Island in the Rideau River. Union Street, now restricted to foot and bicycle traffic accesses Maple Island.


May this monument be a lasting symbol
of the gratitude of Hungarian refugees
who, having escaped after the revolution
in Hungary, were welcomed and provided
a safe haven to rebuild their lives in Canada.

In 1956, thousands of Hungarians fled reprisals and oppression in their native Hungary.
Canada responded with significant humanitarian aid and measures that permitted
the rapid resettlement in Canada of almost 40,000 Hungarian refugees within months
of the revolution. Fifty years later, this monument was raised to commemorate Canada's
response to this desperate situation.

The wooden Hungarian "kopjafa" represents nobility, honour, peace, friendship and
gratitude. The granite from the Canadian Shield represents the strength of Canada.

Erected by the Hungarian Canadian community, the Republic of Hungary and
Canadian friends.

Dedicated by His Excellency Dénes Tomaj, Ambassador of the Republic of Hungary to Canada
and Mr. Marcel Beaudry, Chairman of the National Capital Commission on October 4, 2006.