Supplemental Posts

Wednesday, June 04, 2014

The Manotick War Memorial

The Manotick War Memorial/Cenotaph stands on Dickinson Street between Bridge Street and Watson's Mill in Manotick. This is quite a nice site. Just behind the cenotaph there is a picnic table that overlooks the west branch of the Rideau River.

In memory of those men
and women of the Canadian and
Allied Forces, who made the
supreme sacrifice for
their country, in times of war,
peace or peacekeeping.

This is
the original fence
from the residence of
the Rt. Hon. Sir Robert Borden
Prime Minister 1911-1920
donated by
R. G. (Rich) McDonald
Councillor, Township
of Rideau 1980

This walkway is dedicated
to those men & women who served
their countries in times of
war, peace & peacekeeping.

Their names are engraved with
loving memories, respect and gratitude.