Supplemental Posts

Thursday, June 26, 2014

The Canadian Tribute to Human Rights

You will find the Canadian Tribute to Human Rights situated on the Ottawa City Hall grounds on the northeast corner of Elgin and Lisgar. This large memorial structure pro
vides a place for people to sit down and rest, chat, have lunch, read or what have you. I think that's appropriate.

Major Donors since 1993

Eiko Emori
Carroll Holland
James and Annette McCoubrey
CRB Foundation
GE Canada
National Assoiciation of Friendship Centres
Vincent Spirito and Sons
Welch LLP

Designed, engraved
and installed by
Martel and Sons, Inc.


Held high on the Monument in English and French are the words
"Equality, Dignity, Rights" from the United Nations Universal
Declaration of Human Rights. These three concepts are inscribed
on 73 granite plaques in Aboriginal languages spoken in Canada,
using syllabics or Roman orthography. Grouped in language families,
the plaques are located on the interior walls, known as the "House
of Canada." An Algonquin statement accompanying the language
plaques acknowledges that this symbolic monument stands on the
traditional territory of the Algonquin Anishnabe People.

The Canadian Tribute to Human Rights

The Canadian Tribute to Human Rights
celebrates the desire of people to live in
freedom and dignity and to share equal rights.

Enter the Tribute. A path traces a symbolic
procession through a portal transcribed with the
first words of the United Nations Universal
Declaration of Human Rights.

The Tribute was conceived by a community of
volunteers from across Canada engaged in the
struggle for the rights of all people.
It was created by the artist, Melvin Charney.

Sparked in 1983 by the struggle of the Polish
trade union Solidarność and dedicated on
September 30, 1990, in the presence of the
Dalai Lama of Tibet, The Canadian Tribute to
Human Rights is a reminder that until all
rights are respected, none are secure.

The land upon which this
structure stands is part of the
traditional territories of the
Algonquin Anishnabe People.
We have occupied these lands
since time immemorial. It is
fitting that this symbol should
stand here as a reminder of
the suffering of oppressed
people everywhere and of our
faith in the wisdom of the
Great Spirit and the promise of
life, dignity, freedom and
equality for all living beings.
We welcome all who come here
to share in our hope.

While I was photographing the memorial this pigeon landed right near me
and its body language pretty much said, "Take my picture." So I did.