Supplemental Posts

Monday, July 05, 2021

Gerry Lines Bowling Alley

In North Gower, Ontario, the Gerry Lines Bowling Alley, formerly the North Gower Bowling Alley, stands on the west side of Fourth Line Road north of the Junction with Prince of Wales Drive on the east side.

Gerry Lines Bowling Alley

This bowling alley is named in recognition of the exceptional community service of Gerry Lines.

Gerry Lines served as president of the North Gower Community Centre Board for 11 years. He was instrumental in the development and construction of various recreational facilities in North Gower including the community centre, the ball diamond, soccer/football field, playground, and the North Gower bowling alley.

In 1988, Gerry was awarded a Certificate of Merit from the Prime Minister of Canada in recognition of his contribution to his community. Gerry and his wife, Hazel, were also recipients of the 5th Annual Edgar Leach Memorial Citizenship Award for their contribution to community development.

Approved by Ottawa City Council on February 11, 2015.

Mayor Jim Watson
Councillor Scott Moffatt (Rideau-Goulbourn)

Salle de quilles Gerry-Lines

Cette salle de quilles est nommée en reconnaissance des services communautaires exceptionnels de Gerry Lines.

Gerry Lines a présidé le conseil d'administration du Centre communautaire de North Gower pendant 11 ans. Il a joué un rôle crucial dans le développement et la construction de diverses installations de loisirs, y compris le centre communautaire, le terrain de balle, le terrain de soccer et de football, le terrain de jeux et la salle de quilles de North Gower.

En 1988, le premier ministre du Canada a décerné à Gerry un certificat de mérite en reconnaissance de son dévouement communautaire. Gerry et son épouse Hazel ont également reçu le 5e prix commémoratif annuel Edgar-Leach pour leur contribution au développement de la collectivité.

Approuvé par le Conseil municipal de la Ville d'Ottawa le 11 février 2015.

Maire Jim Watson
Scott Moffatt (Rideau-Goulbourn)