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Monday, January 25, 2021

Osgoode Public School No. 22 Monument

In Osgoode, Ontario, on the north side of Osgoode Main Street west of Elizabeth Street the small monument to Osgoode Public School No. 22 stands to the east of the Post Office, where the school once stood.

Erected by the
Osgoode & District
Lions Club

S. S. #22

"S. S. #22" stands for School Section No.22

The Osgoode Township tax roll of 1897 indicates that among the schools residents paid taxes into Public School No. 22. This school was located at 166 Osgoode Main Street now occupied by the Stuart Holmes Arena and the Osgoode Village Park.

In 1911, due to overcrowding, Boyd Brothers built a new cement block school in the location where the Osgoode Post Office now stands. The little information from my research does not say what exactly happened to the school but the material mentions a fire that demolished a school in 1944.