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Monday, December 02, 2019

St. John's Anglican Cemetery, Merivale

St. John's Anglican Cemetery occupies a plot of land on the west side of Merivale Road south of Jamie Avenue.



Starting in the 1840s St. John's the Divine Anglican Church shared a log church with the Presbyterians. The Anglican church occupied two locations from 1873 to 2002 and now exists as Good Shepherd Barrhaven a joint Anglican and Lutheran Ministry. It continues to administer the St John's Anglican Cemetery, Merivale. It shares space with the Pinecrest Public Cemetery, Merivale and the Merivale United Church Cemetery.


St. John's Anglican Cemetery, Merivale

St. John's Anglican Cemetery, Part of Lot 27, Concession 1, Rideau Front, contains the graves of individuals of historical significance to Nepean. The first person buried here was John Bell in 1847. In 1876, William and Jane Hopper deeded the cemetery to the Anglican Diocese of Ontario. A local landmark, the cemetery continues to be operated by the congregation of St. John the Divine Anglican Church in Nepean.

Designated Heritage Property

Cimetière anglican St. John's, Merivale

Le Cimetière anglican St. John's parcelle 27, concession 1, donnant sur la Rideau, est un lieu où reposent des personnes d'importance historique pour Nepean. La première personne à y être inhumée a été John Bell en 1847. William et Jane Hopper ont cédé le cimetière au Diocèse anglican de l'Ontario. Ce lieu est devenu un point d'intérêt local et est toujours utilisé par la congrégation de l'Église anglicane St. John the Divine à Nepean.

Bien désigné à valeur patrimoniale


The Anglican Parish of St. John's, Merivale was established here in the 1840's. A church was built/consecrated on this site in 1874 and remained until it was demolished on October 11th 1968.

This Bell which called the Parish to worship, was salvaged from teh church's demolition and retained by the present congregation of St. John the Divine.