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Thursday, October 03, 2019

The Billings House Plaque

The Billings House Plaque stands near the parking lot for the Billings Estate Museum and in view of Billings House at the southwest end of Cabot Street, which can be accessed from Pleasant Park Road.


Park Hill was build by Braddish Billings, a pioneer in local lumbering and agriculture. Born in Massachusetts in 1783, he was the first settler in Gloucester Township in 1812, his homestead forming the nucleus of Billings Bridge. In symmetry and clasical detail, Park Hill draws on New England architecture and the Georgian period. The original house was built in 1828 but the north wing, which may have been moved intact from an earlier Billings home, was added in 1831. Later, a verandah was removed and the dormers and south wing added. Billings died in 1864 at Park Hill, which was occupied by his descendants until 1975.

Historic Sites and Monuments Board of Canada.
Government of Canada


Né au Massachusetts en 1783, premier habitant de Gloucester en 1812, un des pionniers de l'exploitation forestière et de l'agriculture dans la région, Braddish Billings fit bâtir Park Hill en 1828, qui fut l'embryon de Billings Bridge. Par sa symétrie et son ornamentation classique, la maison s'inpire de larchitecture de la Nouvelle-Angleterre de l'époque géorienne. On lui ajouta en 1831 l'aile nord, qui proviendrait d'une des premières maisons de Billings. Par la suite, on supprima la véranda et on construisit les lucarnes et l'aile sud. Billings y est mort en 1864 et ses descendants l'ont habitée jusqu'en 1975.

Commission des lieux et monuments historiques du Canada.
Gouvernement du Canada