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Thursday, August 01, 2019

Air India Flight 182 Memorial

On the east side of Commissioners Park, west of Dow's Lake road and north of Madawaska Drive stands a plaque memorializing the passengers and crew of Air India flight 182.

These trees were planted by the Honourable George Hees P.C., M.P., Minister of Veteran's Affairs on behalf of the Government of Canada, and by His Excellency S. J. S. Chhatwal the High Commissioner of India, in memory of the 329 passengers and crew of Air India Flight 182 who lost their lives on June 23, 1985.

At the initiative of the Indo-Canadian Forum

Ces arbres ont été plantés par l'honorable George Hees, C.P., deputé ministre des Affaires des anciens combattants, au nom du gouvernement du Canada et par son excellence S. J. S. Chhatwal haut-commissaire de l'Inde, à la mémoire d'équipage du vol Air India 182, qui ont perdu la vie le 23 juin 1985.

Une initiative du Forum indo-canadien