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Thursday, May 30, 2019

Canada's National Military Cemetery Plaque

Just east of the centre of Beechwood Cemetery in the southwest corner of the Field of Honour stands a plaque commemorating Canada's National Military Cemetery.

National Military Cemetery
Le cimetière militaire national

CANADA'S NATIONAL MILITARY CEMETERY, dedicated on 13 September 2007, is a partnership amongst the Beechwood Cemetery Foundation, the Commonwealth War Graves Commission, the Department of National Defence and Veterans Affairs Canada. This cemetery brings together all those who rest here who died on active service, whose death was related to service, or who served honourably and chose to rest amongst their comrades in these sacred grounds.

LE CIMETIÈRE MILITAIRE NATIONAL DU CANADA, inauguré le 13 septembre 2007, est un partenariat entre la Fondatin du cimetière Beechwood, la Commission des sépultures de guerre du Commonwealth, le Ministère de la Défense nationale et anciens combattants Canada. Ce cimetière réunit ceux qui sont morts en service, dont la mort est reliée au service militaire ou qui ont servi leur pays honorablement et qui ont choisi d'être inhumés aux côté de leurs camarades dans ces lieux sacrés.