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Thursday, December 27, 2018

Rockcliffe Remembers Plaque

On a wall in the Rockcliffe Park Public Library on the southeast corner of Buena Vista Road and Springfield Road a plaque commemorates the end of World War II and the participation of the residents of Rockcliffe Park Village.


This plaque commemorates the 50th anniversary of the end of the second world war. More especially, it respects and honours those men and women who served in this war and who were registered residents of the Village of Rockcliffe Park during the war.

Nearly twenty percent of the residents of the Village served in this war, which was nearly twice the Canadian average.


Cette plaque commémore le 50e anniversaire de la fin de la seconde guerre mondiale. En particulier, elle rend hommage aux hommes et aux femmes qui ont servi pendant cette guerre et qui comptaient parmi les citoyens inscrits du village de Rockcliffe Park durant la guerre.

Près de vingt pour cent de citoyens du village ont servi pendant cette guerre, soit preque deux fois la moyenne pour l'ensemble du Canada.


The few were valiant,
But many were the few
Who amongst their brethren
Gathered some one in five
To journey to join the fray.
Some lost their way,
Some are with us still,
But none are forgotten
Nor remain unknown
As Rockcliffe remembers,
Today, - and tomorrow.

M. E. MacLean
