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Monday, November 26, 2018

Aaron Mirick House

In Merrickville, Ontario, Aaron Mirick House occupies a place on the east side of St. Lawrence Street north of Sophie Lane. That's the spelling on the sign. In the documents designating the residence a historic site, it is spelled, 'Aaron Merrick House.' Since the site is private property, I had severe limitations as to what I could photograph. It was recognized, under the Ontario Heritage Act, as a historical site on January 30, 1978.


Built in 1844 for the son of the founder of the settlement of Mirick's Mills. In 1860 Aaron Mirick was elected first reeve of the incorporated Village of Merrickville. In 1899 the home was sold by Stephen Mirick to William Postlethwaite, descendants of whom live nearby. The property passed in 1922 to Harry Falconer McLean internationally acclaimed builder and head of Dominion construction. Mr. McLean's accomplishments include the Abitibi Canyon Dam, the Ontario Northland Railway and many other projects in the Maritimes, Ontario, Quebec and New York State. Named an honourary colonel for life in the Canadian Army, in World War I, H.F., as he was known, was honoured and respected throughout the Dominion and especially in the Village for his philanthropy; particularly to young people and children. H.F. resided in this home until his death in 1961. The house is privately owned.

This plaque erected by the Merrickville Museum Board with assistance from the Ontario Heritage Foundation.