Supplemental Posts

Monday, October 01, 2018

Oscar Peterson Memorial Revisited

I photographed and posted about the Oscar Peterson Memorial in December 2012. I wanted to go back and photograph it again without the winter snow plow guards in place.

The Oscar Peterson Memorial occupies a place just outside the National Arts Centre on the northeast corner of Elgin Street and Albert Street.



Oscar Peterson emerged from the Montréal working class neighbourhood known as Little Burgundy to become one of the world's greatest piano virtuosos. His place in the international jazz pantheon is universally recognized.

With this sculpture by Ruth Abernethy, Canada's Nationa Arts Centre proudly commemorates the masterful contribution Oscar Peterson made during his 65-year career as a musician, recording artist, composter and mentor.

Commissioned by teh Oscar Peterson Sculpture National Committee and the National Arts Centre.

This sculpture was unveiled by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II June 30, 2010.


Du quartier ouvrier de la Petite-Bourgogne où il a grandi à Montréal, Oscar Peterson s'est hissé au rang des plus grands virtuoses du piano de la planète. Il est une figure universelle reconnue au panthéon international du jazz.

Par cette sculpture de Ruth Abernethy, le Centre national des Arts du Canada a voulu immortaliser fièrement la contribution remarquable qu'a apportée Oscar Peterson durant ses 65 ans de carrière comme musicien, artiste de disque, compositeur et mentor.

Œuvre commandée par le Comité national de la sculpture d'Oscar Peterson et le Centre national des Arts.

Cette sculpture a été dévollée par sa Majesté la reine Elizabeth II le 30 juin 2010.

A sound system incorporated into the sculpture plays recordings of Oscar Peterson's music.