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Thursday, September 06, 2018

Richmond Military Settlement Plaque

In Richmond Ontario, the Richmond Military Settlement Plaque stands just east of the two Richmond Fair plaques on the north side of Perth Street, west of Colonel Murray Street.


In August, 1818, some thirty disbanded veterans of the 99th Regiment let by Captain G.T. Burke, arrived in newly surveyed Goulbourn Township. These formed the advance party of a military settlement planned and supported by the quartermaster-general's department. Here they laid out a town site named after the governor general, the Duke of Richmond. Storehouses were built, settler's cabins erected and the colonists provided with farm implements and rations. Under the general supervision of Lieutenant-Colonel Francis Cockburn, about 400 heads of families, including some civilians, were established in the settlement by the end of 1818, thus forming the first large community within the present Carleton County.

Erected by the Ontario Archaeological and Historic Sites Board.