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Monday, June 18, 2018

Kemptville Public Library

The designated heritage building that formerly housed the Kemptville Public Library, now home to Posh Plum Gifts & Home Decor, stands at 207 Prescott Street, Kemptville Ontario, on the west side, south of Asa Street.

Built in 1911-12, the Kemptville Public Library is a one storey rock-faced concrete block structure recognized by the Township of North Grenville, under the Ontario Heritage Act.

Kemptville created a Public Library Board in 1900. In 1911, the Board received a grant from the Andrew Carnegie Foundation for the erection of a new building. As per the “Carnegie Formula,” the grant was conditional upon the Town Council providing a site for the building and passing a bylaw to annually provide ten percent of the value of the grant to fund the library.

Designed by A. Stuart Allister, the Library was built by the Palmer Lumber Co. in 1911-12 of even-coursed rock-faced concrete block from the Dominion Concrete Co. Located in the centre of the downtown core, since 1912, the property is an important part of the cultural, social, and educational life of Kemptville.

The property received heritage recognition under the Ontario Heritage Act on May 28, 2001.

From Canada's Historic Places.