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Thursday, April 14, 2016

The First Settler

The First Settler commemoration stands near the gate of a fence that runs just west of Lockhart Avenue and almost directly in line with Algonquin Avenue, near Woodroffe and the Sir John A. Macdonald Parkway in Ottawa.

The first settler

In 1809, Ira Honeywell bought the land here, Lot 26, Concession 1, Ottawa Front, Nepean Township. He was the son of Rice Honeywell, and American who had come from the Mohawk Valley to Grenville County in Upper Canada. In 1810, Ira Honeywell came overaland from Prescott and built a log cabin on or near this site. The next year he brought in his wife and three children and here these first settlers in Nepean Township made their home. Some of their descendents still live nearby.

Le premier colon

En 1809, Ira Honeywell fit l'acquisition d'un lot situé ici, et y construisit, l'année suivante, un habitation en rondins. Le père de ce pionnier du township de Nepean était originaire de l'État de New York, et s'était établi dans le comté de Grenville peu après la Révolution américaine. En 1811, Ira Honeywell amena de Prescott sa femme et ses trois enfants. Quelques descendants de cette famille vivent encore tout près d'ici.

National Capital Commission 1967