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Wednesday, August 26, 2015

The Family Group

The Prudential Insurance Company presented the sculpture, 'The Family Group,' to the city of Aylmer as part of the city's 150th Anniversary. It stands on the south east corner of Rue Principale and Rue Broad in Aylmer, Québec.


Sculpture de la Famille
offerte à la Ville d'Aylmer par
la Compagnie d'Assurance Prudentielle
dans le cadre des célébrations
du 150e anniversaire de la Ville et
dévoilée par
son Honneur le Maire Marc Croteau
le 8 juin 1997
Oeuvre "The Family Group"
Artiste Art Price, 1961

(Sculpture The Family Group
presented to the City of Aylmer by
the Prudential Insurance Company
as part of the celebrations
of the 150th Anniversary of the City and
unveiled by
His Worship Mayor Marc Croteau
June 8, 1997
Work "The Family Group"
Artist: Art Price, 1961)