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Thursday, June 04, 2015

Army Survey Establishment Cairn

The small stone structure of the Army Survey Establishment Cairn stands on the grounds of the Geological Survey of Canada complex on the east side of Booth Street between Norman Street and Carling Avenue.

18 October 1996
This cairn was erected to commemorate the 50th
anniversary of the formation of the Army Survey
Establishment (renamed Mapping and Charting
Establishment in 1996). It also recognizes the unit's
significant contributions to Canada's arctic mapping
programme, the support provided to our armed forces
at home and abroad, and the continuing puruis of
excellence in Defence Geomatics.

45º 24' 01.1"

75º 42' 19.0"

Le 18 octobre 1996
Ce cairn a été érigé commémorer le 50e anniversaire de
l'éstablissement du "Army Survey Establishment"
(rebaptisé Le Service de carographie en 1966). Il reconnaît
aussi la contribution significative de l'unité envers le
programme de cartographie de l'Arctique canadien, le
soutien fourni à nos forces armées chez nous ainsi qu'à
l'étranger, et la poursuite continue de l'excellence dans
la géomatique de la défense.