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Friday, April 24, 2015

Princess Margriet Commemorative Tree

This London Plane tree can be found on the grounds of the Royal Canadian Legion headquarters on Aird Place where Kanata Avenue becomes Castlefrank Road in Kanata.

Her Royal Highness
Princess Margiet


Pieter van Vollenhoven

planted this tree during their official visit to Canada in May 2010 as
a token of their appreciation for hte pivotal role that brave
Canadian men and women in uniform played in the liberation of the
Netherlands in 1944-45

2010 marks 65 years of special bonds between Canada and the
Netherlands. This tree symbolizes the strength of the ties between our two
countries. As it grows, it will serve to remind us of our shared history while
we shape our common future.

London Planetree
Platanus X hybrida

Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands     The Royal Canadian Legion