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Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Nepean Bell

The Nepean Bell stands outside the main entrance of the Ben Franklin Place at 101 Centrepointe Drive. The story of the bell's history can be found on the Nepean Museum's web site.

The Nepean Bell was installed in the town hall in Westboro at 345 Richmond Road in 1896, where it was used to sound curfew and later to call out volunteer firefighters. When municipal offices were opened on Richmond Road in 1966 the bell was moved there and placed on a tripod. "The longest leg of the tripod represented a father, the next a mother, the shortest a child and all three symbolized the family-like unity which council planned to maintain in Nepean."

In 1978 Nepean officially adopted the Bell as the corporate symbol of the City of Nepean. In 1988 the bell was relocated to the Nepean City Hall, Ben Franklin Place, 101 Centrepointe Drive where it now resides.