Supplemental Posts

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

W. T. Macoun Memorial Sundial

William Tyrrell Macoun was Dominion Horticulturist and the architect of the Dominion Experimental Farm, Saanichton Station in 1912. The sundial that stands in his memory in the Ornamental Gardens at the Experimental farm was unveiled there in 1936. The pedestal and ornaments were designed by Arthur Kellett.

The six plaques around the top of the sundial read:

Erected to the memory of
W. T. Macoun, D.Sc.

Born 1869 - Died 1933
Horticulturist 1888 - 1910
First Dominion
Horticulturist 1910 - 1933

Federal District
1920 - 1933

The perennial border
he personally planted
and cared for lies
immediately to the east

This sundial
was erected in 1936
with monies raised by
public subscription

The garden covers the
site formerly occupied
by his residence

W. T. MACOUN, D. Sc.
Commissaire de district fédéral
1920 - 1933

Né en 1869 - Mort en 1933
Horticuteur 1898 - 1910
Premier directeur du service
d'horticulture fédéral 1910 - 1933

Les plantes vivace qu'il a
lui-même plantées et
entrenues bordent le
côté 'est' de ce monument.

Ce cadran solaire a du
être érigé en 1936 grâce
aux fonds recueillis lors
d'une campagne de
souscription publique.

Le jardin occupe présentement
l'ancien empacement de sa résidence.