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Monday, June 23, 2014

The Lost Child

When I was at Ottawa City Hall taking pictures of the memorials on the City Hall grounds from where I was where Cartier ends at Lisgar I saw these large stones standing in the courtyard next to the former Teacher's College. They look like a memorial, so I took a closer look. Ah! There's a plaque. From reading it, I concluded that the stones make up an art piece, not a memorial. At the same time the sentiment of the artist resonated with me, so I photographed the piece and here are the pictures.
The artist, David Ruben Piqtoukun, is an Inuk from Paulatuk, Northwest Territories.




Northwest Territories
Kingston Hue Sandstone

The Lost Child represents conceptually
the experience of the artist as a
young child visiting Edmonton with its
overwhelming urban skyline.
David states "We have all been lost at
some point in our lives."