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Saturday, July 20, 2013

The Almonte Train Accident Memorial

The Almonte Train Accident
December 27, 1942

Erected in the memory of those killed or injured and to the heroism and dedication of all those who responded to this disaster.

One of the worst accidents in Canadian railway history occured at this site at 8:43 P. M. on December 27, 1942. A special train carrying Canadian soldiers for overseas service struck the rear of a stationary train crowded with holiday passengers demolishing the rear coaches. The number known to have died was 39 and more than 150 were injured. Almonte citizens, military personnel, railway staff and other volunteers from Ottawa Valley towns did their utmost to help the doctors and nurses. The Almonte town hall was used as a morgue. The capacity of the local hospital was exceeded and the O'Brien Theatre, adjacent to this site was used as a first aid centre. Most of the injured were transported by train to Ottawa.

Erected December 2000
North Lanark Historical Society
Town of Mississippi Mills Millennium Committee
Ontarion Heritage Foundation
With widespread public support