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Sunday, April 28, 2013

Queen Elizabeth II

April 29, 2013

Queen Elizabeth II is depicted mounted on the horse, Centenial, given to her by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP). She had another RCMP horse earlier named Burmese, reportedly her favourite horse. In one of the pictures you will see the RCMP's badge on her horse's harness.

Head of State

Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II signed the
Constitution Act on Parliament Hill in 1982,
thereby patriating Canada's consitution
from the United Kingdon, and establishing
the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Here,
Queen Elizabeth II is depicted on her horse
Centenial, a gift from teh RCMP in 1977. This
monument was unveiled by the Queen in 1992, as
part of Canada's 125th anniversary celebrations.